dimanche 16 octobre 2011

In a recent post on the french language main site, some farewells to James ARNESS and Dana WYNTER, two famous faces of fifties S-F movies, another about the most famous Hammer's scenarist Jimmy SANGSTER, who wrote some frightening stories for english B-movies, and a tribute to Michael McCRACKEN, a monster maker from cinema and television. This latest evokes the carreer of his son, his relative Jeff KENNEMORE, and his grand son Neal KENNEMORE.

Complete different thing, the latest post talks about the Plesiosaurs, big extinct sea reptiles from Dinosaurs' time - including some help for the latest believers who always think that someones are living in the Loch Ness!..

direct links :

A Translator ( right side on the blog ) allows to you to read more or less easily in english the text.

vendredi 16 septembre 2011


Since few months, numerous readers are coming on this blog. So, I put a summary in english to allow to you to find old posts in french ( and after, you can to use the translator that I put indeed ).
If you find that one is particularly interesting, let it know to me, perhaps I will try to post a better translation. Welcome.

2. Real Creatures
A- the evolution
B - ecology
C – Vertebrates
D - classification of species
3. Imaginary beings
A – in the literature
I – writers
II – translators
III – editors
B – In the arts
C – In Cinema
I – problem of CGI creatures in movies
II – About some movies
III –Producers
IV – Composers
V – Scenarists
VI – Directors and directors of photography
VII –Directors
VIII – Actors
IX – Monsters makers
4. miscellaneous

Since few months, numerous readers are coming on this blog. So, I put a summary in english to allow to you to find old posts in french ( and after, you can to use the translator that I put indeed ).
If you find that one is particularly interesting, let it know to me, perhaps I will try to post a better translation. Welcome.

SUMMARY OF THE MAIN BLOG IN FRENCH - including active links :
Introduction :

The diversity of the real creatures
- the evolution

-Charles DARWIN's anniversary and discussion about creationnism and evolution : february 2009
- primitive animals take advantage of the global warming : august 2010
- biodiversity on the vergue of extinction : février 2011 http://creatures-imagination.blogspot.com/2011/02/derniere-seance-pour-la-biodiversite.html

- Marine life

- Distant relatives of marine vertebrates and medical perspectives they give hope: November 2008http://creatures-imagination.blogspot.com/2008/11/nos-precieux-cousins-des-fonds-marins.html
- Some marine amazing animalsfilmed by amateurs: ABYSS' s tentacle is real: September 2008:http://creatures-imagination.blogspot.com/2008/09/le-tentacule-dabyss-existe-reellement.html

- Vertebrates
- The Marsupials decimated by strange diseases : July 2008 http://creatures-imagination.blogspot.com/2008/07/ltrange-fin-des-marsupiaux-les.html
- Classification of species - Modern taxonomy : scientific names based on stars' ones, the true naturalist often forgotten, and the picturesque names: October 2009 http://creatures-imagination.blogspot.com/2009/10/la-peoplisation-du-vivant.html

imaginary beings
- In the literature:

- Writers:
CRICHTON Michael : November 2008 http://creatures-imagination.blogspot.com/2008/11/la-trilogie-jurassic-park-de-nouveau.html
FARMER Philip Jose : April 2009 http://creatures-imagination.blogspot.com/2009/04/pj-farmer-un-celebre-ecrivain-dapres.html
WEINBAUM Stanley : May 2009 http://creatures-imagination.blogspot.com/2009/05/un-auteur-des-annees-1930-mis-lhonneur.html

- Translators: Robert SOUBIE: January 2010 http://creatures-imagination.blogspot.com/2010/01/robert-soubie-ecrit.html

- Editors: Francis Lacassin: December 2008 http://creatures-imagination.blogspot.com/2008/12/les-monstres-investissent-les-planches.html
- In the visual arts:
CARTIER Ed : January 200
9 http://creatures-imagination.blogspot.com/2009/01/un-illustrateur-de-lage-dor-de-la.html
- Cinema
CGI about creatures in the movies:
About creatures designed by computer graphics:

The creators of monsters banned by the hegemony of the images created by computer :

The ideology of all-digital

About some movies and series:
Next return of two great monsters (ALIEN and THE THING)
September 2009
September 2010
July 2044
personalities associated with monster movies:


composers of film music:


directors and directors of photography:


mardi 2 août 2011


After so many virtual extraterrestrials ( including a new virtual E.T. in some scenes indeed E.T. THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL director's cut ), a science-fiction serie produced by Steven SPIELBERG, FALLEN SKIES, beginning this summer on TNT Channel, shows an mechanical spider legs alien. Of course, there will have a CGI version's as usual nowdays, but a complete physical model was built by Todd MASTERS' crew for this story about humans after invasion of Earth, and it's allowed to us to see his creation in the behind-the-scene videos ( links below ) :

More, you can see too the trailer for THE THING's prequel :

( more complete article on the main site in french, http://creatures-imagination.blogspot.com/ )
